Historic SRJ Lives on
SRJ 28 ready to head a passenger train with old SRJ coaches out of
on the museum railway ULJ. Photo and © Per
Upsala-Lenna Jernväg, ULJ
The line from
to Faringe is preserved as a museum railway, Upsala - Lenna
ULJ . It consists of the entire part of the original Uppsala-Länna
Järnväg, ULJ, and an additional part of
Järnväg, LNJ, to the former junction of Faringe were the line
to Gimo and DHJ branched of. In Faringe the old engine shed with shops
and turntable acts as the main engine service facility for the line.
At ULJ You still
can ride passenger trains headed by the "Big German" SRJ no. 28 during
the summer time. Most of the passenger cars and freight cars are
SRJ equipment, while SRJ 28 is the only steam engine from
A mixed train headed by BLJ 4, "Långshyttan",
from 1897 and
including some original SRJ coaches from 1885 approaches Marielund
at ULJ.
Photo and © Per Nilsson.
Other steam engines
that heads up the trains during the summer, come from
Järnväg, (BLJ): BLJ 4 "Långshyttan" and BLJ
5 "Thor". Motor cars and engines from the diesel age stem from SRJ and
SJ (the Swedish State Railways).
During the summer
of 2006, the trains operate on all Sundays from June 4th to
September 3rd. Between July 6th and August 5th the trains are also in
operation on
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
To find out about
timetables, days of operation and other information check on the ULJ
web site !
Roslagsbanans Veterantågsförening
An excursion train made up by RBVs X4p 37, passenger coach Bp 880
and X3p
35 is waiting on the siding in Åkersberga. Photo and ©
Per Nilsson.
In order to preserve
some of the older electrical rolling stock at Roslagsbanan when it were
to be replaced in the early 1990ies, Roslagsbanans
RBV was formed in 1992. Stockholm's Spårvägsmuseum (The
Tram Museum) own three older electrical motor cars and some passenger
while RBV maintain them and operate the excursion trains. The oldest
car dates back to 1919, and the "younger ones" are from 1934 and 1938.
During some days
every summer You can ride old electric trains on the still active lines
close to Stockholm. The trains are operated by employees of
and the fare is the standard SL fare.
In the summer of
it is not yet announced how and when the RBV train will operate the
line from Stockholm Östra to Österskär or Vallentuna /
Lindholmen. Check back in May / June for an update!
More information
(presently only in swedish) is found at Roslagsbanans
Veterantågsförenings web page .